Thursday, November 8, 2012

Weight Loss Help and Tips

Weight Loss Help and Tips

5 home remedies to lose weight

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 09:39 AM PST

home remedies for weight loss

"You cannot lose weight at home; the only way to lose weight is by going to the gym 3-4 times per week". This is what most people believe and although this is one of the most effective ways to get fast results, there are still other ways or home remedies to lose weight. In this post we will discuss 5 home remedies that are simple and easy to introduce in your daily life.

#1 Remedy: Protect yourself from the kitchen cupboards

If you can't find any snacks (chocolates, potato chips, sweets) in your kitchen cupboards you won't eat them! This is a very simple technique that works great. Take pre-caution measures and empty your cupboards; remove all sweets, chocolates and other snacks that are 'bad' for your diet. Instead add more fruits on the kitchen table, unsalted popcorn, nuts, green tea and other snacks that are calorie friendly.

#2 Remedy: Get the right tools

Having the right tools when you need them is very important. We are talking about kitchen tools that will help you prepare your food in a healthier manner and in a diet friendly way. For example:

A Kitchen scale: If you follow any diet or recipe you will need to measure your ingredients and food portions.

A collection of healthy recipes: The web has a plethora of weight loss recipes but in most cases you can't find them when you are ready to cook. So, get prepared in advance and either bookmark or print your favorite recipes, prepare your shopping lists and make sure that you have everything in place before you start.

Olive oil: We love olive oil since it is healthy (can lower you cholesterol levels) and has less fat than other alternatives (butter, corn oil etc.).

Steamer: This is optional but very useful when you have one at home. A steamer will cook your vegetables and other food saving you a lot of calories.

You may also need an egg separator (to separate the egg white with the yolk), a fruit juicer (to prepare your nutritious drinks) and a fat-separating pitcher (to remove fat from stocks and soups).

#3 Remedy: Do not eat in front of the TV

Eating in front of the TV is a bad habit. The only place to eat is the kitchen table and once you have finished your dinner, try not to snack while watching TV. Snacking usually involves food items that are high in calories and fat so it's better to avoid them altogether.

#4 Remedy: Exercising at home

While the other home remedies are more for preventing weight gain, the only way to reduce your weight while at home is through exercise. Exercising at home doesn’t have to be intense but it has to be regular. Doing a couple of exercises once in a while will not do any good at all but exercising regularly (at least 2-3 times per week) can generate results.

There are many ways to workout at home, you can either get a fitness DVD and follow the instructor (Pilates is a very good example) or you can create your own workout schedule. The most important thing to remember is that your routine should be intense and raise your heart beat levels otherwise you are just wasting your time.

Also, do not underestimate the efficiency of household chores in losing weight. Cleaning the windows for example is a great exercise that will keep your house clean and will also act as a great fat burner. Doing gardening work, carpet cleaning, car washing are some other examples of activities you can do at home.

#5 Remedy: Take it seriously

If you made the decision that you want to lose weight and that you want to do it at home then you need to take it seriously. Being at home makes it easier to break your schedule and skip your workouts. It is more likely to choose the comfort of your couch instead of the effort to exercise so you need to make up your mind and take some serious decisions.

You need to set-up a schedule and follow it religiously, you need to prepare your diet plan and stick to it at all costs. If you fail to have self-discipline then it is more than certain that you will NOT lose weight while at home and none of the above home remedies will ever work.

On the other hand, if you are prepared to make sacrifices and if you have the willingness to meet your weight loss goals then you can do it at the comfort of your home. It's your call.

High Intensity Interval Training And Belly Fat Loss

Posted: 07 Nov 2012 05:50 AM PST

HIIT and belly fat

With so many new and “revolutionary” training methods constantly advertised in television, magazines, and on the internet these days, it is easy to get lost in a sea of false promises.  However, luckily, you have ended up in the right place, as my goal is to help you lose belly fat and achieve your own fitness goals, not sell you a product or service.

Introducing High Intensity Interval Training

In this article, I will go over one of the oldest yet most effective and engaging type of training ever created.  The method of training I am referring to is HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training which has been widely used by athletes and celebrities to get in shape quickly since the early 1970s.

Targeting Fat Loss

HIIT training works so well because there is no rest in the entire workout, this has a greater impact on the number of calories you burn than standard routines and will therefore target your bodies’ fat stores more aggressively.   Our bodies as efficient as they are find it necessary to store excess fat in fat stores for later energy use. This is why you will notice fat build up in certain areas like your stomach, thighs, or hips.

Where your body chooses to store this fat is different between each individual and by first recognizing where your own body is likely to store fat, you can begin to fix the issue.  But keep in mind, when you lose fat there is no way to control exactly which area the fat loss comes from and to eventually drop that stubborn belly fat most people experience, you will need to drop fat from your entire body.

What is HIIT and why it's so effective in losing weight

Now that you understand that concept, we will go back to discussing HIIT training. The way HIIT training is able to allow you to keep moving the entire workout, is by alternating between low to moderate training periods (used to recover) and high intensity training periods. The lengths of these periods can vary, as there are many forms of HIIT training out there, but the same core techniques will always apply.

Keeping your body moving the entire workout is what makes this style of training so effective, because by keeping your heart rate elevated the entire workout you are burning more calories in a shorter time period.

Raising your Resting Metabolic Rate

However, the effect HIIT training has on fat loss does not stop there; it does something even more unique in the next 16-24 hours following your workout.   By increasing your bodies EPOC( or Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption ) HIIT training will  actually raise your Resting Metabolic Rate ( the rate at which your body naturally  burns calories ) for up to 24 hours.

If that was not enough benefits for you, another way HIIT’ style of training can benefit you is increase your cardiovascular health and reduce your risk of cardiovascular diseases. This to me is the most important thing for you to consider in the long run and why HIIT training is truly helpful to your overall health.

Nevertheless, by now you are probably wondering how YOU can incorporate HIIT training in your life, so I will go over a few simple techniques you can use. First, as I said HIIT training comes in many varieties and the workouts are relatively short (10-30 minutes). The workouts can vary from weighted routines with dumbbells, barbells, or kettle bells to just running on the treadmill.  The easiest way to incorporate HIIT training in your own life would be just three to five 10-minute sessions a week.  You can do them on a treadmill, stationary bike, in the yard or down the street just follow these basic guidelines.

Step 1.  Start by Warming up for 5 minutes by walking slowly or even just walking in place. Be sure not to skip your warm-up because it is very important for injury prevention and will get you ready for the workout.

Step 2.  Based on your fitness level, pick a split for your workouts walking and jogging. A beginner could start at 40 seconds of walking per 20 seconds of jogging for example.  You would then set a timer to 10 minutes total and follow this layout.

Walk 40 Seconds

Jog 20 Seconds

Repeat for 10 times.

Step 3.  Finish the workout by moving into your cool down and stretching phase, this last step should last 3-5 minutes and is just to bring your body back to a normal level.  If you have a few extra minutes you can also incorporate static stretching into your routine here, a few  good muscles to considering stretching would be your Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Calves, and Piriformis muscles .

Now that is just one way to approach HIIT training and I chose that method because it is an easy yet effective way to get started.   If after doing that a few weeks, the workouts are too easy, just extend the total time to 15 minutes or change the walk/ jog split to something like 30 seconds of walking per 30 seconds of jogging.  Be sure to not to rush the progression on your workouts but you can eventually incorporate running in place of the jogging.

HIIT and Weight Lifting

Another style of HIIT of HIIT training worth mentioning is combining HIIT with weightlifting techniques, primarily using lower or full body exercises, to burn even more calories.  I included a sample routine for you below.

Toe Touches- 15 Reps- Just reach down and touch your toes, knees, or calves depending on what your flexibility allows and then come back up.

Forward Lunges- 10 repetitions each leg

Side Lunges- 10 repetitions each direction

Jogging Butt Kicks- 50 feet

Arm Circles - 20 reps both arms.

Jogging High Knees - 50 feet

Trunk Twists- 20 reps

Bodyweight Squats- 30 reps

That is a great beginner routine to get started in HIIT and does not require any equipment at all.  If after a few of weeks of following that routine it becomes too easy, you can increase the reps in the individual exercises or even do the whole circuit twice.  However, do not try to progress too soon as that can lead to injury or over-training.


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