Saturday, November 10, 2012

Weight Loss Help and Tips

Weight Loss Help and Tips

Causes of belly fat and health dangers

Posted: 10 Nov 2012 01:40 AM PST

causes of belly fat


A simple and straight forward reason for belly fat is just too much food. People consume more calories than they burn and the rest is stored as fat. Over a long period of time they put on weight and become overweight and obese. There are factors such as gender, body type and genetics which will affect the tendency of the body of storing more fat in some parts than others.

However, when passing the stage of carrying a few extra pounds, (in general) fat will be stored everywhere. There are no catches here, only the well-known old fashion "too much food too little exercise".

For the old fashion cause there is an old fashion solution. Healthier diet, decrease calorie intake and increase exercise/activity.

Hormones and gender differences

Hormonal imbalances, conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and menopause can influence weight gain and also the area in which the body will store fat. For example women during and after menopause tend to store fat in the abdominal area easier. This is mainly due to the hormone changes women undergo during menopause, such as the decrease in estrogens.

It must be noted that hormonal imbalances are not exclusive to women, and men can be affected as well.You may have heard the 'men are from Mars and women are from Venus' saying. Well is not just an excuse to blame fat distribution on sex differences. Men and women do have differences in the 'sex' (steroid) hormones.

In simplified terms women have higher levels of oestrogens and progesterone hormones and men have higher levels of androgens such as progesterone hormones. These differences translate into women having the tendency to store more fat around the hip area and men in the abdominal (belly) area.

Being a man or a woman will not make you put on weight. Excess calorie intake and lack of exercise will (unless you do have hormonal imbalances and/or health conditions).

If you do suffer from any conditions which affect your hormones consult your doctor who can give you options for treatment. In addition, the doctor can advise you for condition specific diets.

Environmental pollutants and estrogens

It has long been established by science that environmental pollutants/chemicals can have disruptive effects in the body's processes. In the past decade much attention has been given in the effects specific chemicals have in human metabolism and more specific in influencing weight gain and obesity.

The 'Obesogen Theory' supports that exposure to chemicals which can disrupt the endocrine system (hormonal, metabolic etc), especially during development, can program the development of obesity and other diseases.

Ok so you can't move to Mars for a pollutant free environment… However, you most definitely you can avoid using to many plastics, or remove food from plastic packaging before placing in the microwave.

In addition, avoid too many soy products and drinking too much beer.

One such chemical believed to influence weight gain and belly fat is the environmental estrogens. In the body estrogen is a 'sex' hormone. In very simple words the environmental chemicals tend to mimic the effects of the hormone when in the body. Studies have shown that there is a strong link between consumption of environmental estrogens and weight gain, with more specific increasing fat storage in the abdominal (belly) area. Men seem to be more affected than women.

Environmental estrogens can be found in plastics (food containers, bottles etc and can pass in food) and also in some foods such soy products (i.e. phytoestrogens in foods such as tofu, soy milk etc).conditions such as type 2 diabetes. Although, the exact mechanisms of how this happens are not fully understood, it is however accepted that environmental chemicals do influence how and in which areas people gain weight.


There are a number of theories related to alcohol and belly fat. One of the theories relates to the estrogen content of drinks such as beer (see above). Another theory suggests that alcohol influences liver metabolism which leads to storing fat in the abdominal area (belly). However, the exact mechanisms are not fully understood and some research evidence is not as strong.

A more simplified connection is that alcohol does contain high amount of calories. Well a few drinks can accumulate a few extra calories which add up to putting on weight. In addition, it is suggested that alcohol increases appetite and food intake. A few drinks coupled with a calorific takeaway the result: belly fat.

Diseases and conditions

There are certain diseases and conditions which affect metabolism. An example is AIDS; the disease has been correlated with dysregulation of lipid metabolism and increased abdominal fat. With any health complaints, conditions/ diseases a medical professional should be consulted about such issues.


Another factor which can lead to increased belly fat is medication. There are numerous drugs which can affect metabolism and weight gain. One such example is antidepressants and antipsychotic drugs. Abdominal weight gain could be one of the adverse effects of taking a specific medicine and it may not affect everyone.

Dangers of belly fat

Dangers of belly fat are mainly associated with visceral fat; the kind which is stored deep in the abdominal cavity and in the organs. Visceral fat is considered to be metabolically active and an endocrine organ which means that it produces hormones which are involved in energy metabolism and appetite regulation.

The visceral kind of belly fat has been associated with a number of conditions and diseases. Some examples are increased risk for 'metabolic syndrome' insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. The list goes on and on and can include increased risk for cardiovascular disease, liver disease, inflammation, cholesterol, dyslipidemia, and so on, and in general with the metabolic complications of obesity.

It must be noted that you don't need to be obese to have a high risk of developing any of the above conditions/diseases. Being relatively slim but with a belly can still have the same effect. In additions, visceral fat is the one which you can't see, and is easy to ignore.

What can you do? Well what about the old classic solution. A healthy diet coupled with increasing physical activity?

Always consult a medical professional if you have any health complaints or concerns and/or before you change your diet or exercise

7 best ways to trim your tummy without exercise

Posted: 10 Nov 2012 01:16 AM PST

woman with thin waist

Is it really possible to trim your tummy fat without exercise? Exercising is beneficial for most of people. Not only is good for health and weight loss but it also has added beauty benefits. You look fit, trim, everything tends to stay in place and where is meant to be, not to mention that clothes do look good on. Let's face it though, exercise is not for everybody. Call it luck of time, call it 'I don't like it' or demanding lifestyle, well is not feasible for everybody.

So what can you do to get your waistline back in control which does not involve exercise? How can you lose belly fat without spending endless hours in the gym? Read on to find out.

1. Diet

No 1 after exercise is diet. If you are putting on weight it usually indicates that you have eaten one too many. Even if you follow a healthy diet, overconsumption of calories will lead to putting on weight. If you lose weight you will lose belly fat and it usually tends to be the first to go.

Always ensure that any weight gain or increased belly fat is not due to any medical/health reasons. In addition always consult a medical professional before making changes to your diet.

Which is the best diet to lose belly fat? The one diet which suits your individual needs, it is healthy and balanced. Usually diets based on moderate macronutrient intake (moderate protein, fat and carbs) are the best recommended. Personally I am a supporter of Mediterranean style diets, as they tend to provide a variety of nutrients, they can be rich in essential fats (such as omega fats) and research indicates that such diets can be beneficial to health.

2. Cut down on sugars

If you are following a healthy balanced diet for weight loss you are most probably on the way of low sugars. Why cutting down sugars is important? Apart from the calorific value they usually carry, which is quite high, sugars can lead to negative health effects.

Belly fat has been linked with increasing the risk of developing conditions such as insulin resistance, metabolic syndrome and diabetes. On the other hand such conditions can lead to increased belly fat. By decreasing sugar intake you can aid in improving conditions such as insulin resistance which in turn can aid in losing belly fat. It is a matter which is a little bit interrelated and slightly more complicated but is beyond the scope of this article to analyse it in detail.

Be aware that sugar is not just the white or brown powder you add to your coffee. Pastries, pasta, bread etc. are all sugars, or as most commonly referred to, simple carbohydrates.

3.  Cut down on foods which make you bloated

If your tummy refuses to fit in the jeans, it may not just be because you have put on weight but could be due to bloating. In general sugars and simple carbohydrates such as white bread, pasta, pastries etc are all guilty of making you bloat which is one more reason to cut down on them. Some nutritionist / dieticians support the theory that complex carbohydrates tend to be better as they are broken down slower (to put it in simple words). However, if your diet is mainly based on carbohydrates, you may benefit from cutting down on them either way.

In addition, consuming too much fibre, grains and legumes can have the same effect. Fibre can have health benefits and is always recommended to be included in everyday diet.

However, consumption of large amounts of fibre can lead to gastrointestinal complaints and bloating. The magic word I like to usually use is 'in moderation'.

Fibre is found in vegetables and some fruits as well as grains. Consuming a combination of all foods without going overboard with one or the other should be enough to provide substantial amounts of the nutrients you need and keep any complaints at bay.

If you do suffer from increased bloating and regular gastrointestinal complaints it is always recommended to consult a medical professional. Conditions such as Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), and food intolerances, could be the cause. The appropriate medical professional should be able to advise you on diet and treatments.

4. Cut down on stress and stay happy

Ok I agree that this is easier said than done. I must say that I find nothing more irritable than being stressed and people telling me to relax. However, according to research both stress and depression could have a role to play in the expanding waistlines.

Studies indicate that stress hormones increase appetite for sweet and high calorie foods as well as increasing capacity to store any excess calories. In other words not only it makes you want to eat fatty foods it helps in turning it into fat. Moreover, stress hormones combined with increased levels of insulin are indicated to increase abdominal fat.

With depression the processes may be a little bit more complicated. However, studies similarly show that there is a link between depression and increase in abdominal fat.

Avoiding every stressful situation we all know can be mission impossible especially if you juggling work, family, kids, global recession, hurricanes, and everyday life. Why not try distressing with having some 'me' time and maybe have a nice bath or book a massage.

If that is hard to do, you can have a glass of wine or practice some breathing techniques which aim to alleviate stress. Alternatively you can go for a walk in fresh air or do some therapeutic journalism.

5. Improve your posture.

Do you remember when your mum used to tell you night and day to stand straight, stop slouching and keep your shoulders back? I do sometimes wonder if anybody did actually did listen to all that… Well slouching will not make you put on weight on your belly as such and if you do stand straight will not make you lose weight as such either.

What it will do is actually improve the look of your belly and will help to condition your muscles a bit. Slouching can make your belly look bigger than it is along with all the not good effects on your back, chest etc.

Why not try it and you may see that you may have stopped some of those aches and pains on your back.

6. Liposuction

I will include it but in general I would not recommend any surgical procedures for the purpose of weight loss. Liposuction can be found with a number of different names and can be done with a number of different techniques. In its essence it is the removal of fat deposits from specific areas of the body via a surgical procedure. Depending on the area and/or the amount of fat to be removed the procedure can be performed under general or local anaesthetic.

As with every surgical procedure it carries dangers and it should not be taken lightly. Infections, blood clots, severe bruising and deformations are some of the complications that can take place. The more fat is removed and the less experienced the surgeon is, the more dangers the procedure can carry.

Moreover, unless you remove what makes the fat to be stored it will be back. Is it your diet, your lifestyle, stress lack of physical activity what expands your dress size? Well if it stays the same it will only have the same effect.

7. Tummy tuck

As with liposuction it is a surgical procedure and it carries a number of dangers. Although it is a way to trim your tummy without exercise, I would not recommend it.

Tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty) usually includes carrying out liposuction to remove the excess fat and also removing sections of the skin. As with any major surgery it can put increased strain in the body and it can have fatal results. It can also carry risks of infection, blood clots, scarring and deformations.

In some cases tummy tuck may be necessary or beneficial such as after major weight loss. It is often the case that the skin has lost its elasticity and there are folds of skin left on the body. Apart from beauty purposes the skin folds may be removed for health reasons as well.

Always consult the appropriate medical professional before making any changes to your diet and especially if considering any surgical conditions. In which case do make sure that it is your last option and the benefits do outweigh the risks.

How to lose belly fat after pregnancy

Posted: 10 Nov 2012 01:05 AM PST

fitness class

Oh, the happiness of 'pitter patter of tiny feet' around the house. During the 9 months of pregnancy you may have made allowances in your diet for those cravings, or an extra this and that which you wanted at the time. Post pregnancy a lot of women rush straight away into trying to lose those extra pounds gained, especially in the belly area.

How and when you chose to lose weight post pregnancy is important as it can affect both the health of the mother and the health of the baby. So how can you go about it? Read on to find out.

Pregnancy weight and Belly fat
Belly fat, Water retention or just unconditioned muscles?
Breast feeding
A healthy balanced diet v a radical regime
10 Tips to lose belly fat after pregnancy

Pregnancy weight and belly fat

It is part of the pregnancy process that the body will store extra fat around the hip and abdominal areas. It will do so as the mother will need extra energy during the pregnancy and for lactation and other processes. According to research an average woman of 65kg will gain up to 12.5kg during the full term of pregnancy. That is not all fat however. It also includes water retention, the placenta, the baby's weight (usually an estimated 3.5kg).

Therefore, post-pregnancy the weight you have left is not all extra fat which you have accumulated. Before starting any diet have an idea of how much extra weight you have gained. Your doctor probably would have given you some guidance through the 9 months on how your weight gain is getting on and if you have exceeded the expected mark.

Belly fat, water retention or just unconditioned muscles?

Well think to yourself, is your post pregnancy belly all about fat or is it other matters going on? As mentioned above a considerable amount of water retention takes place during pregnancy and also your body has gone through major hormonal changes during and after pregnancy; some of which will take its course to sort itself out. Allow some time for your body to recover before you start a weight loss regime or placing any extra strain to your body. This is also important for your health.

It is a big deal for your body the whole thing and it does need that time to recover and get back to pre pregnancy mode. Some people advise to allow for 6 weeks before starting weight loss and exercise. I will also add to that listen to your body and allow as much time as you feel you need to and listen to your doctor most importantly. The medical professional who has and/or will be following your progress will be the most qualified to advise you on your health. If your doctor doesn't think your body can cope then you should listen to that.

In addition, to water retention and hormonal changes think that your muscles may have been stretched and been unconditioned through those 9 months. What may be spilling out of the top of your trousers could just be a matter of firming those muscles up again.

Breast feeding

During lactation and breastfeeding the energy demands of the mother increase. The body does need energy to produce and deliver the milk. Undoubtedly not all women will breast feed however if you do there may be a possibility that you will lose a lot of the pregnancy weight easier. Although studies have shown controversial results on the matter, in general it is believed that women who breast feed will tend to lose the weight they gained during pregnancy.

One theory is that the breast milk does contain a large amount of fat most of which comes from the mother. In that 1st the quality of the mother's diet will affect the quality of the milk and 2nd the mother will be mobilising some of this fat from her own reserves. Also as the energy demands of breast feeding are high then the mother will be using more calories than pre-pregnancy.

For example, it is suggested that an average woman who breast feeds will need around 568 kcal per day (this energy (kcal) requirement is only for the lactation of an average of 680g/day of milk at 0-1 months). These energy requirements will be different from person to person and at different points postpartum.

Therefore, daily energy intake for women who breast feed will be different from those who don't. The chosen diet should take into account those extra energy requirements. Another thing to consider is the physical demands of looking after a newborn. These will add up extra energy used.

A healthy balanced diet v a radical regime

Ok so you saw in the magazine the photo of the latest celebrity who has gone back to shape just 6 weeks postpartum. She professes for that radical, low calorie or some other sort of diet and you think if she can do it then I can as well. Well I would say don't do it. Think that those celebrities do have a team of experts, such as nutritionist, cooks, personal trainers, nannies, and photo specialist who airbrush the photos. Not to mention as Gwyneth Paltrow suggested to one of her interviews, the first signs of osteoporosis.

What you need to consider…

1. If you are breast feeding the quality of the breast milk will reflect the quality of your diet. You do need a large amount of nutrients for that milk so if your diet is lacking of nutrients then you will be in danger of depleting your body of vital nutrients, such as vitamins, iron, calcium etc.

2. Your body needs time to recover in both nutritional aspects and physiological aspects.

3. During the first few weeks you will have the effects of the hormones oxytocin and prolactin which have a relaxing effect. Some studies suggest that too vigorous exercise too soon after child birth may lead to injuries.

4. Pregnancy and child birth are major matters for your body. A number of physiological, body shape and hormonal changes take place. It may not be realistic to expect to get back to your pre pregnancy weight and shape.

It is always best to follow a healthy balanced diet which will provide you with all the nutrients you need and will promote healthy outcomes for both yourself and your baby. A Mediterranean style diet may be a good choice to start from.

Below are some tips summarised to help you with your post pregnancy weight tummy loss.

    Tip 1.    Plan ahead.

 Ideally the best way is to start planning during pregnancy. Watch your weight and try to gain only the weight which is expected to be gained during pregnancy. Follow a healthy balanced diet such as a modified Mediterranean dietary pattern which will provide all the necessary nutrients and will promote positive health outcomes. The less weight you gain during pregnancy (apart from the weight which is part of the pregnancy) the easier will be to get back into shape.

     Tip 2.    Don't just concentrate on losing belly fat.

By losing weight you will lose belly fat. As mentioned there are major hormonal changes taking place in your body and the weight you may have accumulated in your belly could be part of those hormonal changes. In general belly fat is metabolically active and is easier to mobilise.

     Tip 3.    Breast feed.

Breast feeding has a number of benefits for the baby and the mother. An additional bonus is that it may aid in losing those extra pounds and fat reserves.

  •  As mentioned above the average energy requirements per day for breastfeeding are 568 kcal (this energy (kcal) requirement is only for the lactation of an average of 680g/day of milk at 0-1 months). What that means is that your body will need an extra 568kcal per day.
  • At average women need approximately 1500 – 2000kcal per day. During breast feeding you will need to add an extra 568kcal per day.
  • By only consuming an extra 413 kcal per day (instead of the 568kcal) you would be allowing for a weight loss of 0.5kg per month. In general it is not recommended to aim losing large amounts of weight during the first months of the pregnancy.
  • Above all show priority to your health and your baby's health and only reduce your calorie intake if safe and possible. It is important to consult a medical professional first. There may be other reasons which could inhibit following any weight loss regimes.

Be aware that breastfeeding may not be possible for some people. This could be due to certain health conditions, or physiological problems etc. Do not place extra physical or psychological strain to breastfeed if it is not feasible for you.

    Tip 4.    Follow a healthy balanced diet.

Ok I probably said that 100 times already. Apart from aiming for weight loss watching what you can have important health benefits as well. During pregnancy women tend to develop a form of insulin resistance. Although it is part of the physiological changes if overweight, or have pre-existing metabolic complaints or overloading your body with sugars etc could lead in developing diabetes and other conditions.

Balanced healthy diets such as a Mediterranean style diet can help in improving insulin sensitivity. Such diets are rich in fruit and vegetables, wholegrain carbohydrates, and protein. Improving insulin sensitivity can also improve abdominal fat mobilisation. 

    Tip 5.    De-stress

Pregnancy, child birth and a new born baby can all be very stressful. Try to rest and de-stress. Stress can lead to weight gain in many ways and has been connected with increasing abdominal fat. Have a bath, listen to some music or take a walk. Take a few minutes every day for 'you' to relax and de-stress. Apart from the weight loss benefits it will do miracles for your mental health. Needless to say don't add extra stress with killing yourself to lose weight.

    Tip 6.    Sleep well.

Caring for a new borne can have detrimental effects to your sleep. Sleep deprivation as well as low quality sleep and/or broken sleep can lead to weight gain or slow down weight loss. Easier said than done however try to get as much rest and sleep as possible through the day.

    Tip 7.    Show off your baby with a walk to the shops

What a better way to get some exercise than taking a light walk to the local shops or the park. Take your pram and show your baby to the world and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine (weather permitting).

    Tip 8.    Pelvic floor and abdominal exercises.

Contracting the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles can be a light exercise which you can do at any point through the day. You will not burn loads of calories by practising these exercises but it will help to condition those muscles which have taken a battering through your pregnancy. You can practice by just contracting either your pelvic floor or your tummy muscles for the count of 10 and realise and repeat again. You can practice when you watch tv or having a bath, or driving.

Always consult a medical professional if you had a caesarean as they may not be appropriate. In addition do not try to spend all day in a constant muscle contraction as this is not good for your muscles and could affect your back as well.

    Tip 9.    Follow light exercise.

As mentioned earlier, do not aim to follow strenuous, vigorous and intense exercise as it could be placing too much stress and strain to your body and could lead to injuries. Exercise will help in getting your muscles back to form and will help in losing weight.

An easy exercise solution would be to just simple do the house work or push the pram to the park (you will discover prams are heavier than they look). Always consult your doctor before taking on any exercise especially if you had a caesarean. Alternatively there are a number of exercise classes for post-pregnancy such as water exercises, mother and baby clubs which can offer specialised training and exercise.   

They may also be a place where you can socialise with other mothers and exchange ideas and tips or just have a little break from baby care.

With time you can increase intensity of exercise as your body recovers and you feel stronger. If you still find it hard to get you belly in shape then maybe do some more full body work outs. Muscles in the abdominal area could stretch through a pregnancy and/or caesarean and often can get damaged. It is not always possible to get them back to the pre pregnancy condition but by consulting your doctor and a fitness professional they can give you a better idea of your tummy condition.

 Tip 10.  Drink plenty of water.

A lot of the remaining weight could be all the water retention from pregnancy. Drink plenty of fluids and especially water. This can help with the water retention. Also do walk and move around as this will help with blood circulation. Not strenuous however.


Can you lose belly fat with Green Tea?

Posted: 10 Nov 2012 12:57 AM PST

green tea

If you are researching for ways to lose belly fat then it is certain that you came across this question a number of times. Also if you have read articles on the Internet from web sites that sell or promote green tea products then most probably they told you that green tea is one of the best ways to lose belly fat. Well, the truth is somewhere in between. Read on to find out if green tea can help you lose weight and belly fat.

A brief history about Green Tea

Green tea has been the traditional drink for many Asia countries including India, Japan and of course China. It contains large amounts of antioxidants (polyphenols) that can fight free radicals (can damage the cells and create a number of health problems including cancer).

For many years Green Tea was used by Chinese for medication purposes and in the last decade scientists around the World investigated the possible benefits of Green tea for treating various health conditions including obesity. These studies showed that green tea can be useful for fighting or preventing atherosclerosis, high cholesterol, cancer and diabetes.

Green Tea for Weight loss

Green tea can certainly aid weight and fat loss but not to the degree presented by many web sites or product promoters. The effectiveness of green tea for losing weight has been identified through various clinical studies but cannot generate real results if not combined with traditional weight loss methods i.e. diet and exercise. The facts about the effectiveness of green tea and weight loss are:

  • Green Tea is possible to increase your metabolism if consumed daily (2-3 cups per day).
  • It can help control your weight and fat levels but not your appetite.
  • Green tea will not help you get rid of belly fat but it will help you gain less weight and less fat.
  • Green tea should not replace diet and exercise but can be used as a complementary method to assist your weight loss efforts.
  • Most clinical studies to date (November 2011) regarding the effectiveness of green tea for fat loss were done on mice and not on humans. Other studies carried out by research organizations on humans showed that regular consumption of green tea paired with regular exercise can generate better results than exercise alone. These studies were conducted by Japanese and Chinese scientists.
  • Experts suggest to drink your green tea hot (and not cold) as this shows down calorie intake and gives you a better taste.
  • The energy you get from regular intake of green tea can help you exercise longer and thus lose more calories.

To sum up, green tea is not a magical product. By drinking green tea alone you will not lose your belly fat or weight. To make the most of green tea you have to drink it regularly (2-3 cups per day) and never forget that the most effective way to lose belly fat is through balanced diet and regular exercise.

Best way to lose belly fat for men

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 02:53 AM PDT

belly fat loss for men

What is really the best way to lose belly fat for men and is it different from what women should do?  This is because women have more reasons than men to get rid of the belly; may it be aesthetics, self-confidence or just the mere fact that stomach fat is not a woman’s thing but mainly a men’s ‘privilege’. This of course does not mean that men should not care about their appearance and even more about the bulging belly. In this article we are going to examine which is the best way to lose belly fat for men in a natural and healthy way.

Belly fat for men is dangerous

The most important reason why men should care about their belly size is because it is dangerous. It is a signal that something is wrong with your body’s chemistry and a warning to take immediate action. The presence of excess abdominal fat may lead to cardiovascular diseases, liver problems and malfunction of a number of body organs. The situation gets worse as you grow older since you can expect to have problems with your joints, knees and back. You may be joking with your friends about ‘your full of beer’ belly but belly fat is classified as the most dangerous form of obesity and should be eliminated.

Best method to trim your belly

Now that you are convinced that belly fat is not only good for your image but it is also dangerous let’s see what you can do.

First you should understand how the belly fat is formed. For sure it does not happen overnight and it is not the outcome of last night’s beer. It is the result of sedentary lifestyle and bad diet. Men that have stomach fat are those that do not exercise, those that perform light activity jobs (clerical jobs, drivers) and those that drink huge amounts of soft drinks, alcoholic drinks and fatty food.

Unfortunately the majority of men fall into this category and that’s why according to research men have higher percentage of belly fat than women.

So, it is clear now that the process to lose your belly fat will take time and will require you to change some of your existing habits. The truth is that you need to do 2 major things: change your diet and introduce exercise and physical activity into your daily routine.

Diet that can help you lose belly fat

Many people are afraid to hear the word ‘diet’. They have the misconception that by dieting you are not allowed to eat the things you want and you will end up having a miserable life. This is far from truth. By dieting to lose belly fat we simply mean following a balanced diet without exaggerations. You need to minimize the consumption of fatty foods from your diet and replace them with more natural foods.

For example fried potatoes, burgers, sausages, sugar soft drinks, full fat dairy products and alcoholic drinks should be taken in moderation. You are not expected to completely eliminate those from your diet from the first day but you need to start consuming less of these foods and more fruits, vegetables, fish, water and low fat products. Your goal is to gradually create a balance on your food items so that you eat 40% carbohydrates, 40% protein and 30% fat.

It is not that difficult to follow this diet pattern especially when your health is at risk. It is a matter of habit and once you get used to this healthier lifestyle you will enjoy it more and do it without difficulties.

Diet alone does not help neither do crunches

Everybody knows that besides adopting a balanced diet you also need to start exercising. What many people do not understand is that crunches or abs do not help you in losing belly fat. When we say exercise, we do not mean start making crunches and abs; these do not provide any assistance at this stage. What you have to do is get up and away from the couch and start moving.

This is the first step. Once you become more physically active the next step is to start doing some form of cardio exercise or sport. There are many ways to get the results you want and enjoy it at the same time. You can start cycling with friends or simply walking, running, playing basketball, football, tennis or any sport/activity you enjoy.

Once you wake up your muscles and start melting the belly fat you can go to a gym or visit a professional trainer to develop a program especially for your own needs and requirements. It is not suggested to do that from day 1 because you will get bored and probably quit.

The best way is to first get physically active with things you like doing and then second to get more serious by going to a gym or joining fitness program. As mentioned above crunches and abs cannot help you lose belly fat, they can help you form a six pack after you have lost the excess stomach fat using cardio exercise and possibly resistance training exercises.

To sum up, men have belly fats because of their lifestyle and their unhealthy eating habits. Belly fat is dangerous for your health and if you have belly fat you need to take it seriously and take action.

The best way to lose belly fat for men is by adopting a balanced diet and by becoming physically active either by doing sports or exercise. Either way the key for success is consistency and loyalty. Whatever you choose to do, do it consistently for a number of weeks and months until you get the results you want and do not just quit from the first weeks.


Debra said...

These are a whole lot of useful information for me especially on the post pregnancy fat. Many thanks!

Anonymous said...

Good tip on the posture! Keeping motivated is the common problem for most people. You may need therapeutic assistance like hypnotherapy to carry out any weight loss plan.
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